Our charity connection is a way to connect support different charity rides across Ontario. With an all-new team, and vision, we will be introducing an new, exciting lineup, with the main goal of each and every event to raise funds for numerous charities all over Ontario.
By using this area of our website it you will be able to donate directly to the charity by clicking their link , supporting their cause and also registering to join the ride itself. The charity connection is a hub to bring all of our riding community together to support one and another while raising funds for the beautiful charities we have chosen and are a part of.
There is also two of our own Charity rides in the connection that we organize and operate for our selected charities. The Rideau Rendezvous Rode for Jumpstart Children and the Wasaga Beach Bikefest Ride for Sick Kids.

Blue Tie Ride was founded in 2011 by Raumar Bustamante and Dolly Betancourt who both share a passion for raising funds and awareness for cancer research and support services and childhood sexual abuse. To date, Blue Tie Ride has raised $114,000 through various events but most importantly our Blue Tie Ride Motorcycle Poker Run which is held every August.

On August 7th the Ride for Sickkids will be celebrating its 14th annual Ride. Come join the 600+ convoy of bikes on a police escorted scenic route. Great food, prizes and a chance to win a brand new Harley donated by Pace Law & Fallen Riders. All proceeds go directly to Sickkids. Register at

Ride for Raja is an annual event held to commemorate the amazing life of Mandeep Singh Cheema, also known as Raja. Mandeep was a victim of a motorcycle accident that took place on September 16th, 2012 at the young age of 38. Mandeep’s family and friends were left heartbroken with the sudden loss of their beloved Raja.

We are participating in Ride for SickKids. Join us in the fight against the greatest challenges in child health. By choosing to support, you’ll be helping SickKids tackle the toughest diseases. Please consider sponsoring us to help raise funds and awareness for SicKkids.