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Riders Helping All On The Road: While our roots are in the Powersports community, our arms extend to everyone on the road. Whether you’re on two wheels, four wheels, or more, we stand by you. From riders to car drivers and every motorist in between, we’re here for you through any adversity. Find us across the community at various events and gatherings, advocating for all injured individuals. We also organize events to raise awareness about safety for everyone on the move.

The Fallen Riders Support Team offers free support online, over the phone, or in-person for anyone—riders, car drivers, or any motorist—who is dealing with emotional or physical distress. If you’ve been in an accident or simply need to talk about your experience and seek support, we are here for you. Whether you’re from the Powersports community, a car driver, or any other road user, the Fallen Riders Support Team is here to stand by you.

If it’s got wheels or on water “We got you covered”. Pride and years of experience is why we exist. Your personal injury advocates where trust and community come first.
We understand and personally empathize with those experiencing similar situations, regarding personal injury as we have in the past. Based on these experiences, we have learned how to plan and extend help and support to those in need.

Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! While our origins are deeply rooted in the Powersports and motorcycle community, our mission has always been to support all road users. Whether you’re a rider, a car driver, or any other motorist, if you’ve been injured or are seeking support following an incident on the road, we are here to help. Everyone deserves assistance and understanding in their time of need, and the Fallen Riders Support Team is committed to standing by all who need us.
By law, if you have an M1 license, you must:
Maintain a zero blood alcohol level (no alcohol in your blood)
Ride only during daylight hours (½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset)
Wear an approved helmet (an exemption to Ontario’s mandatory helmet law applies for Sikh operators and passengers who meet the requirements outlined in Regulation 610 (6))
Not drive on roads with speed limits over 80 km/hour — except highways 11, 17, 61, 69, 71, 101, 102, 144 and 655
Always drive alone – you may not carry passengers
You need to wait at least 60 days before you can take your first road test. Your M1 license is valid for 90 days. If the license expires, you will need to start over.
No, as of September 2009 all boaters are required to have the Pleasure Craft Operator Card in order to operate a powered watercraft. There is no grandfather clause or age exemption – this law applies to all boaters. Powered watercraft includes watercraft fitted with any size motor, even an electric trolling motor.
Criminal offenses related to dangerous boating operation in Ontario:
Operators must recognize that certain behaviors constitute criminal offenses that are punishable (could lead to fines or possible imprisonment). The following offenses are also in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada (Contraventions Act):
Speed limits while boating in Ontario
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that you can take proper and appropriate action to avoid a collision, and be able to stop at a safe distance, and appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
Age/Horsepower restrictions in Ontario
Youth under 16 years of age may not operate boats with motors over certain horsepower limits unless someone 16 years of age or older is in the boat and is directly supervising them. Youth under 16 years of age may not operate a personal watercraft (PWC) under any circumstances.
Boat registration in Ontario
You can either “license” or “register” your pleasure craft. A “licensed” pleasure craft is different from a “registered” pleasure craft.
Although there are costs involved, registration gives you some important benefits, which include proof of ownership (legal title) for your boat, the right to fly the Canadian flag, a unique name, and official number for your boat, as well as the right to use your boat as security for a marine mortgage…
Boat Safety Equipment in Ontario
Safety equipment that each type of boat must carry on board to comply with Transport Canada regulations regarding boating.
ATV Insurance
ATVs are not on-road driving vehicles, but they still require insurance. If you have an ATV in Ontario, chances are that you will use it in public areas (like roads, trails, and parking lots). Therefore, you require insurance for these vehicles, just as you do for a car.
If you are not qualified to perform annual inspections or proper maintenance then you should take all vehicles to a properly trained company or dealership to make sure the vehicle is safe before riding/ driving.
After all, if it is an off-road vehicle or boat they do not react the same as automobiles and are easier to lose control of.
For each individual vehicle, there are certain courses and graduated licenses in the province of Ontario that need to meet before operation. To see which licenses pertain to you please go to the ministry of transportations website to see your graduated license/age limit options.

We Come to You
- During your time of need, please focus on your recovery and maintain your appointments. The Fallen Riders will come directly to you to support you and your family. We will come to the hospital or your residence to visit and lend our support.
- At Motorcycle and other extreme sports events answering questions and advocating for Rider Safety
- Hosting fundraisers for Fallen Riders in need of financial assistance for treatment
- Answering phone calls from worried family members
- Numerous Harley Davidson dealerships across Ontario